Gmail as SMTP Host in Joomla 3.6.5
Make sure you have Google 2-Step Verification turned on:
As explained in this article:, create an application specific password, "App Password", 'my-app-password' below, for your SMTP connection:
Now you can use the following mail settings:
SMTP Port 587
SMTP Authentication Yes
SMTP Username
SMTP Password my-app-password
- Details
- Written by: Toivo Talikka
- Category: Joomla
- Hits: 10314
Adding Time to Logged-In Users
The Joomla 3.x Control Panel shows a list of users who were active at the site, at the front end or the back end.
The data is displayed by a module called Logged-in Users. In previous versions of Joomla the time of the last activity was also displayed for each user, which was useful. In version 3.x only the date is included. If you want to add the time back to the listing, it can be done easily in a template override. Here are brief instructions how to do that in Joomla 3.4.3, using the Isis administration template.

If you do not want to hard code the date & time format into the layout, you can define your own format as a language constant in the Language Manager - Overrides.
Subsequent Joomla updates will not overwrite the override code but you need to maintain it, should something change in the core code.
- Details
- Written by: Toivo Talikka
- Category: Joomla
- Hits: 13056
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